Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, has conquered Judah and deported its people to his empire.
While in Babylon, Daniel's prophetic gift is noticed by the king---and an adventure of faith, tyranny, miracles, and the relationship between a slave and his master is born following the conquest of Babylon, the King of Persia..
He is the Lord's gift, chosen to begin the liberation of your people from the Philistines." That son was the biblical hero Samson. Dennis Hopper, Diana Rigg, Michael Gambon, Eric Thal and Elizabeth Hurley in a gripping story of faith and deception. Samson terrorizes his peoples' oppressors until Delilah, a treacherous Philistine beauty, enthralls him. She cuts off his hair, the secret to his strength. His enemies bind him, chain him and put him on show. But slowly his hair grows back. With his phenomenal strength restored, Samson is ready to exact a fearsome vengeance.Watch on You Tube
The journey of two people, Mary and Joseph, traveling from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem, a miraculous pregnancy, and the history-defining birth of Jesus.
...starring Academy Award nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary, Oscar Isaac as Joseph, and Academy Award nominee Shoreh Aghdashloo as Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.
Hope For Those Left Behind
The First and The Last
Matthew Modine and Lara Flynn Boyle play Jacob and Rachel in one of the greatest love stories from the Bible. Highlights of Jacob's life - how he usurped his brother Esau's birthright and blessing, the pillow of stone, the ladder to heaven, wrestling with God - are set against the heartache and hope of his relationship with the woman he seems destined never to possess. Sustained by his faith in God and his love for Rachel, Jacob perseveres... and becomes the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.
David, King of Israel. Leonard Nimoy and Jonathan Pryce lead a talented cast in this vivid retelling of one the Bible's most powerful stories. Brave warrior David (Nathaniel Parker) leads his troops in battle against Israel's enemies and, tragically, against his own son. David's rivalry with King Saul, his bond of friendship with Jonathan, and his illicit passion for the beautiful (and married) Bathsheba (Sheryl Lee) fill the screen with emotion.
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Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Updated Edition KJV By Hendrickson Publishers A favorite for decades, Strong's numbering system is cross-referenced to many other important study tools. Now it's even easier to use! Newly typeset for clearer readability, it includes reorganized main entries, updated and improved Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, and handy indexing. Erratum: The table of contents lists a section on "Updated Edition Premium CD" on page xii. This section does not exist and a CD is not included. |
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Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea, DVD By BMG Steve, Carrie, Cooper, and Gameboy are looking forward to their youth group trip.Their leader Stuart (Sean Astin) shares the story of the prophet Hosea.Dove approved. Widescreen. Approx. 80 minutes. |
Winner of Two Emmy Awards! This epic network television mini-series brings to life the precarious existence of early Christianity. The new movement is beset by violent opposition from without and constant turmoil from within. Two key leaders emerge--Peter and Paul--played by: Anthony Hopkins and Robert Foxworth.
This dramatic presentation follows the pair, together and separately, through three decades. Included are the stoning of Stephen, the road to Damascus, their encounter in Jerusalem, their conflicts over how the word of Christ should be spread. Paul’s travels to Asia Minor and Greece, Peter and Paul’s clashes over Jewish law, and Peter’s decision to follow in Paul’s courageous footsteps. The drama concludes in Rome in approximately A.D. 64 with the beheading of Paul and the crucifixion of Peter under Emperor Nero.
This Visual Bible's powerful and entertaining film is taken word for word from the text of the New International Version translation. Filmed on location in Tunisia, Morocco and South Africa, Featuring a cast of thousands, historically accurate costuming and award-winning directing. Starring Emmy award-winning actor Richard Kiley as Matthew, and introduces Bruce Marchiano as Jesus.
... gives the foundational characters of Adam, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and Moses, from Genesis to Exodus From the Garden of Eden to the Jews' 40 years of wandering the desert. with Martin Landau as Abraham, Jacqueline Bisset as Sarah, Christopher Lee as Ramses, and Dame Diana Rigg as Rebeccah. 168 minutes.
* Please Note, to make your experience more enjoyable we are all using the same version - NKJV
Purchase 1. Abraham 2. Jacob 3. Joseph 4. Moses collection for the price of one DVD!
The story of the prophet who abandons his family, in order to relay God's message in Jerusalem. Although he is persecuted and branded as a traitor for warning others of the destruction of the Holy City, he continues fearlessly with his mission. When his prophecy is fulfilled, he experiences first-hand Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians.
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Before the Wrath, DVD By Kevin Sorbo (Narattor), Brent Miller, Jr. (Director) / Ingenuity Films Llc This is an amazing dramitic edplanation of The catching away of the Bride of Christ in the picture of a great wedding. Closed captioned. Approx. 84 minutes. |
Cast into a pit by his jealous brothers, young Joseph pleads for mercy. Instead, the brothers sell the terrified boy into slavery in Egypt. But Joseph turns this agonizing betrayal into triumph. Ben Kingsley and Martin Landau highlight an outstanding cast in this beloved Biblical tale of treachery and redemption. Joseph uses his gift for divining dreams to rise from slave to Pharaoh's most trusted aide, saving Egypt from seven years of famine. Then his brothers travel to Egypt in search of food... and right into Joseph's power. "Forgiveness is greater than vengeance,"
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NKJV Notetaking Bible--bonded leather, black/brown By Holman Bible Publishers The NKJV Notetaking Bible is designed to enhance personal Bible study as well as preparation for teaching and preaching. The Bible contains the popular New King James Version in a single-column setting. Lined margins with abundant space are provided on each page for journaling, making observations, recording insights, raising questions, and suggesting to yourself additional exploration of the text. Features
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Bible Tabs, Gold, Regular Size By Tabbies Make your Bible quick to reference and easy to use with these bestselling Bible-index tabs. Self-adhesive, cut-to-size tabs require no cutting or inserting and are easy to attach to Bible pages. The transparent gripping edge featured on all the tabs helps prevent tearing of the pages. The tabs are printed on both sides and are edged in gold or silver. tabbies Bible indexing tabs are laminated and available in various sizes. All packages include a handy, easy to use tab attaching guide. |
Following the conquest of Babylon, the King of Persia gives a banquet for his people at which he requests the presence of his wife, Vashti. As she refuses the King's demand, Ahasuerus disowns Vashti and goes in search of her replacement. In his harem, he meets the young girl Esther who immediately captivates him with her charm and beauty. Unaware of her Jewish heritage, King Ahasuerus falls in love with Esther. Esther then reveals to Ahasuerus that she is Jewish and asks him to show her people mercy, because of a planned genocide of the Jews by the King's right-hand man, Haman. In doing so, she saves the lives of many innocent people and paves the way for their return to Jerusalem.
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Every Prophecy of the Bible - rpkg By John F. Walvoord / David C Cook Gain a clearer vision of what the future holds from one of today's premier Bible prophecy scholars! Discussing the importance of prophecy and offering guidelines for interpreting it, Walvoord explains in one volume all key predictions from Genesis to Revelation---those fulfilled, as well as those yet to be accomplished. 688 pages, softcover from Cook. |
These movies are about 95% correct so watch them along with your Bible in hand. I am convinced these dramas will open areas in the Bible you have never seen, I pray you find them as helpful to your families as they have been to mine.
Abraham (Richard Harris) and his wife. Sarah (Barbara Hershey) heed a divine command to leave home and embark on a difficult journey. Join them on this dramatic odyssey through the desert that leads them to the Promised Land, Canaan, where Abraham would become father to countless future generations. Witness the endless trials and tribulations Abraham must overcome to keep his faith, including the ultimate one: God's command that Abraham sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac.
Thomas Spencer's latest books.
The Bible GuY
a trusted voice
The Kingdom of God on Earth
The Book of Revelation. Set in 90 AD, this film gives us insight into the lives of Christians who lived under the domination of Roman rule. Emperor Domitian (played by Bruce Payne) is in power, and his goal is to kill every living Christian who does not denounce God and give allegiance to Domitian alone, who has claimed himself god over all things.
The imagery in this film is fantastic; Giovanni Galasso's cinematography is full of rich color, and a feast for the eyes; there are portions that are like liquid works of art.
The great actor Richard Harris is the apostle John, and it is one of his last appearances on film. Raffaele Mertes directs with the eye of an artist and composer Monsignor Marco Frisina was also Biblical Consultant..
Total running time is 96 minutes, for this marvelous telling of the apostle John's final days on the island of Patmos.
Watch on You Tube
Faith in God. Escape from slavery. The two great themes from the Old Testament book of Exodus are given thrilling new life in this recreation of how Moses led the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. Ben Kingsley is Moses and Frank Langella, David Suchet and Christoper Lee potray other powerful Biblical figures in this monumental production. Moses' childhood in Pharaoh's court, God's voice from the burning bush, the dreadful plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the granting of the Ten Commandments and the long-awaited return to Canaan.
Solomon is crowned King of Israel and rules the land with love, peace and respect. While visiting the city, Solomon meets the beautiful Queen of Sheba and falls in love at first sight. When the time comes for her to return to her homeland, Solomon is unable to convince her to stay. Bereft of her beauty and companionship, he falls into a deep depression, departing from his once idyllic world of peace and luxury while his kingdom threatens to collapse.